A friend of mine whom I have known for years was finally offered a ring not too long ago. Of course, she was thrilled, and immediately accepted. Then, of course, the long planning process begins of making the wedding actually come to pass.
Thankfully I was honured to be able to take some engagement photos for her and her fiance. Complicated somewhat by them living out in Ontario, but nothing insurmountable. We arranged to meet up when they were visiting her family over the Christmas holidays.
It wound up being a beautiful day, too, but none of us wanted to spend much time outdoors, all bundled up in winter jackets. It wasn't THAT nice of a day. So off to Muttart we went for as much variety of background as you could find.
All kinds of beautiful growing things to act as backdrops and props, and even some really weird things in the feature pavilion.
Fun was had by all, but I really had driven home to me the importance of making sure that your models feel comfortable. Apparently her fiance is never really comfortable getting his picture taken, and it really came through on a lot of the shots. I found that many of the really good ones were the ones where, later, I found out they had no idea I was shooting.
We had hoped to also get in to some of the buildings at the University, as they can have some really neat interior architecture, but it happened to be a holiday for the staff, so all of the interesting buildings were locked and inaccessible. That was alright, though, as after wandering around the University for a little while, we were all pretty tired and it was starting to get late.